Monday, November 14, 2011

Fort King Campground nearly PERISHES in Forest Fire

It started out innocently enough.  Little chicas searching for sticks with their headlamps to add to a perfectly tame fire (from wood we had purchased at a nearby Winn Dixie).  Then....the (mad) scientist came out in Craig!!  He had to know the temperature of the fire.  And, as you will see in the film, his quick and active mind gave him the perfect means to quench the conflagration.

Our standardized results (rounded) gave us 1500 degrees Celsius as the melting point of our glass.  The aluminum cans were added to get a more accurate reading, as glass may have random production additives that may lower its melting point.  If the beer bottles were made of pure Quartz, it melts at approximately 1600 °C forming a tacky liquid that can be shaped into camping souvenirs.  In the course of melting, many silicon-oxygen bonds are broken.    This explains the chanting going on around the fire:  "Break bonds!  Breaks bonds!  BREAK all bonds!!!"  We wanted only pure elements to remain.  Aluminum cans melt at 1200 degrees Celsius.  All observers stated the cans vaporized in this fire.  Roll the film to see why.  We are probably all in jail as this post goes public, so we may never see you again.  It's now up to you to calculate the maximum temperature of this fire from the data presented.

Other possibly illegal activities:  Emptying O'Doul's bottles for the experiments and consuming inordinate amounts of KFC...with no vegetables or fruits to bind to the greasiness.  Dessert was Twinkies, soft licorice and Hostess Chocolate Cupcakes...all clearly forboden activities.

Illegal?  You judge:  Leading Craig-ors astray, Rolling in the Hay, at Ocali Country Days...hijacking a swamp transport vehicle...
....feeding fish Cocoa Puffs (below) in a protected area...
Fish really do jump out of the water after Cocoa Puffs
By popular's the Rolling in the Hay clip.... 

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